Since 1994, Clallam County has represented an accurate party vote in the past 10 presidential elections, blue and red alike. That streak was broken after the votes were counted and the Associated Press declared Donald Trump’s position as president-elect. A diverse wave of feelings shrouded our...

Political polarization has become common in the past few decades with Americans increasingly trending towards more extreme views, according to recent studies. These views are mostly held by those in power, slowly drifting farther apart in their ideologies...

When you think of gymnastics, do you envision intense athleticism or artistic flips and stunts that defy gravity? Nathan Hale gymnastics defies the typical lines of a sport, combining athleticism and art built on dedication, hard work and team collaboration. For...

“I left my home because of the war,” says Malaz, a 14 year old, interviewed by UNICEF. Malaz and her mother fled their home after war broke...

Winter can be tough, no one can fight that. The snow looks magical, and the winter lights give off cozy feelings, but stop and pause for a second;...

It's the evening of Feb.14th and while sitting on your couch, remote in hand, the question of the night...